The History of the Band of 3 that became 1!

At one fatefull day, when it seemed that all the guild had pretty much parished! New chacters came into play and the ones who where throught through destiny through the one guild known as the HR had become, troubled?  "Why follow a name that has no more presence here?"  As they marched forward through the battlefields, they had devised a idea that was quite absolute! No more should the leaders lead the new to battle, without being on the frontlines!  To run a guild, to run a squad of men destined for greatness, you should treat them as equals, and not as subordinates!  Thus, the birth of a new reign began!  A guild devised of three bound soldiers destined for greatness, to retreive the rights that every denzien should have!  Belief!  Never to go astray from which we are a part of, Never to dictate orders that we would not do ourselves, and to Never leave the land which we cherish dear!  We are the EoD, and for that! Nothing shall get in our way!!

                                   GUILD LEADERS

 Demonalucard (1 of the 3 leaders of the EoD)

Having entered the realm defenseless, and unknowing to what resides in the realm, he pushes forward from the deepest and darkest pits to overcome the mightest of opponets!  Opposed to guilds from the start, he realizes that numbers are needed to vanquish even the toughest opponets! As he strikes blades with the leader of the HR, he decides to make peace and join the upcoming army. After multiple battles, and many victories, he does not see the supposed strength of the guild anymore?  He moves, (will strong) to the Haven for a much deserved rest, but to run into two of the remaining survivors of the HR, as the night turns to morning, and a plan come to intuition, he has been pleased with the results.  Knowing that every last survivor in this realm counts, his determination to stay united can not be broken by no mortal blade!  Having to strive for greatness, and a hope to have him and his commrades guilds name spread through the land is the only real glory to him! "I will spread fear and despair into any that oppose the elements!"

 Charge (1 of the 3 guild leaders of the EoD)

A up and coming legend in no time, charge found the realm with a desire to think up every possible sequence for a victorious battle!  In the end, noticed for this superior ability to be the realms greatest tactician, he finds the HR wanting his stregth for battle! As his road to victory lay ahead, he say less and less of his former guild dissppear from the face of the realm.  As the road from his last masscre had become part of history, he stops at the haven discontent on the former guild, he runs by two survivors from the most haneous of battles.  As they have a couple pints of ale, and enjoy a smoke.  The idea has risen of staying united, and staying the course no matter what the outcome maybe!  As he rallies his troops to spread the word of the new found entity of the chosen three, he resides on his saddle to realize that this guild will never surrender, never give up, and "Defeat is not a Option!"

 Axiswar (1 of the 3 guild leaders of the EoD)

Upon his arrival to to the realm, his grief for power and lust drove him to near madness!  Knowing his desire alone could only be achieved through allies, which will help him with his goal!  He allies himself with the HR, at the time, a up and coming breed of supposed winners, he was left astray by a abandonment of the guild!  This alone triggers off axis desire to figure out a solution to strive for a kingdom which he can then impower!  Having been on a long and winding road, he meats up with charge and demonalucard at the Haven, having been part of a dying breed.  The question arose that having been one of the survivor of a guild long since past, why not ally himself with his brothers in arms to achieve a absolute alliance that is unbeatable by any means?  So the pact was made, and the EoD are always there to help out under any circumstance!  "Foes of the Elements shall be vanquished, and all opposers will suffer a fate under my hands!"


A much endowed title given to the one who has surpassed the odds, and has PROVEN himself to the rest of the guild!  A title only given under the most RARE circumstances, they have almost the same ability and skill of a leader themselves! 

Madtitan   (the Vicious Viceroy of Death) 

Madtitan  (Highest Ranked Officer in the EoD Threshold)

Madtitan has won this honarble title from countless days pursuing strength, and wins in battle! He has defied the odds which where almost in his favor to begin with! He fought his brethern in a strength tournament to reign out supreme! He is one force to never be dealt with unless extreme caution is measured! He is knowingly a viceroy, arisen from the rank of Duke.  His armies he forms, and tactics used are unprecidented to this day!  Could very well be the next legend in due time, he remains strong with a force that can not be shaken.  A force not able to be penetrated to defeat! As a hurricane lifting from the sea, and crashing down on unsuspecting victims, he stops at his own will!  With a touch of bloodlust along with a mix of malice.  He helps support the guild with his suprising humor and high morale skills!  A man of many trades, he is a much welcome brother to the guild, that with get much respect and homage from the EoD leaders.  "This man in time, will be the finest soldier the realm has ever seen, his ambushes are top notch, his men follow him unsoundly, and his skill is unprecidented, we are glad to have such a force on our side!" Demonalucard       Long live the viceroy for he has power far greater then anyone can imagine!

                             The X Dukes of Destruction

The Dukes of Destruction!

A title given to those who have been most uprehensive to the guild! Fought many battles in the name of the EoD!  Having all been here for the same purpose, they have arisen from the rest to become very strong in power, will and in intel!  They are right hand with the leaders, and support even more by what they say, state, and display in battle! The dukes will forever remain the greatest of assets to EoD!

 Unclelumpy (Yarr!!)

As his travels as a pirate lay him to shores of unknown sites, he travels into the direction with the EoD!  A worthy fighter, and impressive strategic plans, he can only be defined as a upcoming legend!

 Juvenal (Who watches the watchers EoD)

Although having to alligned himself with his bretheren, he has defied the odds on his studies of warfare! A Duke not to be dealt with lightly, he is unreknown for his thoughts on strategic warfare! He is one to be known to ages to come as one of the greatest the realm has seen! 

Sirschmoopy         Marksmen of Doom

-There are many warriors in the realm, but only so many warrior seek out the cowardness in all mens hearts! The ones who feed on the week, and strive for the victor. Sir seeks them out, and then destroys!  "All noob hunters should feel the wrath of my blade, or the snipe from my bow, you are NOW the targets!" EoD Duke indeed! 

Whitelighning         Peachmaster

-From being in the realm for many of days, growing weary from many nights of being in the realm, since the days of beta.  White finds himself as a much respected duke of the EoD, his high morale skills, and a knowledge for battle makes him a must!  Always leaving his mark, the infamous "Peach Sock" as a sign of his reign.  "All people who defy the way of the Peach Master should be happy!, Death is near!"

 Karnak ( know me...)

In the course of history, few chacters have the ability that is Karnak.  A handfull of the first warriors to join EoD, he know that his sucessful steaks and knowledge of warfare is a welcome attribute!  Forever knowing his allegience will stay strong, he walk the chosen path with the EoD!


Once in the league of a dying guild of HR, he has now arose back to the field for the reality which is the EoD! He has sacraficed many of his hours pursing glory in battle!  A legend in due time, while allying himself with the EoD, he knows that and absolute victory is just a matter of time!  Having to seek the goal of legend, he is now even a greater threat to the field whiling having allies in the EoD!

 Tigerx          Relentless Warrior

-From such dedicated commitment, and a strive for victory!  A long endured, strong willed duke tiger is.  Never willing to give in to the unrelentless struggles that the realm contains! From his much respected right to slay anthing in the name of the EoD makes him a duke that will never be denied!

                                 Honorable Barons of EoD

 Honarable Barons of EoD

Even though they are not at the rank of Duke, a Barons right of passage is not a easy one.  A title given to those who have been getting more involved with strategics planning, and continuing to to come back to the field time and time again.  Although a baron has not resided in the realm long! The are still a worthy ally to have!  In time with presaverence and commitment! They will become Dukes!


A up and coming element, much dedication shown, and having recenlty deflected from KL he will become a duke in no time! 


A up and coming element, along with a strong heart and much dedication to the guild, a duke he will soon become!


Brother of Whitelightning, he in time will show the realm what a doctor of such caliber can really do! A duke in the making!


 The best of the best are here!  Guild member who participate more in getting great wins, and recruiting more people to join our cause to make this game great will get colors added and titles of their choosing!  Wins and abilities are a must, but our goal is size! Let get this going! We stand united to get great things to come! Forever with the brotherhood of the Elements!

 The mightest of the Continuum

Axiswar: The Deadly Be@st    Charge:  The Master of Massacre      Demonalucard:  The Menacing Mauler

Our band of brothers:












Mimiko (The High Handed Slayer!)



















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