There are some perks with being with the guild, these events will happen more often and with a lot more fun as well! Tournaments, Roll Rooms, Titles, and Mini-games is just for starters! We are open up for Ideas league! Anything that you think will help add some more greatness, lend a hear- Demon
Tournaments: Strength and Skill Tournament arriving shortly!
Roll Rooms: Second EoD Roll Room coming soon!
Titles: As you can see! Some of you already got some, but i really do prefer if you guys chose your own to go into battle with and make yourself powerful! We are all counting on you! Best of luck!
Mini-game: To be announced coming soon!
If you have anything you would like to add, to make this lair of the EoD what you want! Send us a pm, or drop us a line we are always open to achieve supremacy! What makes this guild great, is that we work as a whole unit, instead of dictating orders and ideas, working as one mind will be the greatest achievement! -Demon-Axis-Charge-
Roll Room II
All right guys, its a new month and a new roll room! The stats for the room are this, the time is derived in a eastern standard time zone, so please try to work with the time given! Thanks guys:
When: Saturday December 13th at 4pm eastern standard time!
What: Charcter Time and 5 resouces packs gratiously donated by the wizard for those forgers out there!
The chacters up for grabs:
(NOTE: Like before, the number next to the chacters means how many are up for grabs! If you win the roll, then roll the number with the chacter in suggestion, and he has already been choosen, you must roll again till you win another chacters!)
1-9 Kherr Outcast x 3
10-19 Kherr Alpha x 2
20-29 Radiant x 2
30-38 Ferran Apex x 1
39-47 Ursa Major x 2
49-58 Monoan Champion x 2
59-67 Order Brawler x 2
68-77 Order Healer x 2
78-87 Order Ranged Expert x 2
88-100 DEMONS PICK :)