Welcome all to the greatest guild found on thecontinuum.com! Never played the continuum? Then you dont know what your missing! Hands down one of the greatest strategic role playing games ever made!  Check it out on the link below for more details!  NOW! As far as guilds go, there are none even capable of surpassing the Elements of Destruction, otherwise known as the EoD! A grand guild with far higher support for their members then any other!  The leaders respect the words of their brothers, and compromise to make the best guild of all time! You think you are one for new gameplay? Then come on down and find out!


                                                            Requirements to Join the Elite

So you think you can just randomly join the most powerful, most active, most devastating guild the Continuum

has ever seen? Lets see if you can meet the standards!

1.) MUST NOT BE A BRAND NEW PLAYER!! -We ask that you have at least 30-50 matches under your belt before even asking, even then, commitment and activity is the key!

2.) MUST BE A ACTIVE ENTITY TO THE GAME!! -You need to achknowledge all your feloow EoD brethern in one way or another! We are a band of brothers! We all have personalities that redifine the game for all its worth! You cant idly stay online without saying a word...

3.) MUST SUPPORT YOUR GUILD!! -Even if you succefully enter the great! We need you to have a keen sense of how you may think you can help better us to even be better! 

4.) YOU MUST BE AT THE REALM AS FREQUENTLY AS POSSIBLE!! -I for one do not seeing giving out award and prizes to one who never participates in anything then the events! You must fight, become strong and live long in the realm

Well that is it, if you think you are a worth one to join the league of the extrodinary then prove it!!

                          -EoD Leaders


 Much appreciation must be given out to theWizard and the rest of the 7L staff who relentlessly try to come out with new ways to improve the game as a whole!  Feast your eyes on such a feat! The continuum is a game not to be confused with others! In time, you will learn to know that this is a grand creation yet to be seen by the masses!

http://www.thecontinuum.com https://forums.thecontinuum.com/forums/thread/38621.aspx
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