Alright fellas, here it is roll room two! I am actually pretty pumped to give out some of these chacters for grabs, i think whats offered is a litte better then last time, (sorry about the lack of heroics, if i had more to give, i would) Well heres the deal, the Viceroy will get the coveted title along with the chacters up for grabs! Second, Demonspick will consist of some good stuff here, i am offering up a combo of whatever i feel like, BUT am including some of the 'Beggings End' Expansion in there as well!  So hope you guys are there, here is a timezone acumulator for my time in adjacent with your time!
               Demonalucard              Mid-West United States   4pm Eastern Standard Time (Time of the Event
                                                  New Zeeland                  10am (on Sunday December 14)
                                                  Australia             Between 6am-8am (on Sunday December 14)
 and the rest, (like canada,) is a give a take two to three hours in any direction, hope this helps you guys for the attendence! Hope to see you there!